Customer Financing FAQs

The following section provides details on all customer related questions on the PayPossible platform. This includes general FAQs regarding our network of Payment Solution Providers.
How Much is my Payment?
Your payment terms are set by the Payment Solution Provider (PSP) in which you selected and will be included in your agreement with the Payment Soluti...
I was Declined for Financing, Why?
PayPossible is NOT a lender. We work with a network of Payment Solution Providers (PSP) to connect customers with financing options for their purcha...
What If I Have a Problem with the Business I am Making a Purchase from, with My Financing, or with PayPossible?
Our goal is to make this process as seamless as possible for you as a customer. If you have any questions or concerns with any part of the PayPossible...
What if I Don’t Want to Make a Purchase from the Business I Searched for Offers from?
If you did not sign the contract docs, or you did not Approve the Order,  there is nothing to worry about. If you did approve the order, or did sign t...
What are the Typical Interest Rates?
Your credit score will be one of the largest factors in determining the annual percentage rate (APR). In general, the higher your credit score, the lo...
I Received an Email from PayPossible Asking for My Personal Information, Should I Provide It?
No. PayPossible will never send an email requesting any information including, but not limited to account information, passwords, social security, ban...
How is the amount I received as an offer determined? Can I get a higher amount?
PayPossible is setup to give you the maximum spending power available for you to make a purchase at the business of your choice. If you qualify, our ...
How do I Log Into My PayPossible Account?
To log in to your PayPossible account go to https:// . You can utilize a “one time passcode” (OTP) via the phone and/or ema...
I Never Received an Email about my Order, What Do I Do?
First, check your spam folder. If you still cannot find the email, please follow the steps below: If you did not receive an email about your order fro...
How Long Does the Approval Process Take?
Once you've successfully completed and submitted your 'Credit Profile' - offers will be displayed instantly* if pre-qualified. Based on the amount req...
Hard vs Soft Credit Inquiries: What are They, and Why Do They Matter?
There are many different factors that go into your credit score. One large factor is your open credit card utilization rate, another is your percentag...
How to Dispute Hard Credit Inquiries:
We recommend checking your credit reports often. If you spot any errors, such as a hard inquiry that occurred without your permission, consider disput...
How to Minimize the Impact of Hard Credit Inquiries:
When comparing making a large purchase, don’t let a fear of racking up multiple hard inquiries stop you from shopping around for the lowest interest r...
Does Checking My Financing Options Affect My Credit Score?
No. When you complete your credit profile through PayPossible, your credit information is verified by doing a soft credit inquiry - which is engineere...
What is the Maximum and Minimum Amount that Can Be Financed?
Each program will depend on the Payment Solution Providers (PSP) that are working with business you are looking to make a purchase from. Our current ...
How Do I View or Select My Financing Offers?
If you have already completed your application for a purchase from your desired business, but need to get back to review your offers, please follow th...
I Received Offers for Financing, Now What Do I Do?
If you received offers from one of our Payment Solution Providers and would like to proceed with a purchase, please follow the instructions on the scr...
I Have Excellent Credit (700+ FICO), Why Didn’t I Receive Offers?
While the free online credit monitoring programs can give you an idea of your credit score, in most cases they do not give you the full picture. In or...
How Do I Find the PayPossible ID of a Business/Merchant?
Each business on the PayPossible platform is assigned a unique ID (i.e John's Auto), which is used to associate a customer financing request to the co...
How Do I Apply for Financing?
There are multiple ways to apply for financing for your purchase through PayPossible. Scan the QR code located in the store to begin the application....